DAY 1: junwegohtoseoulphie:)

After a terrible shift from Anam to our new guesthouse at hongdae, because the cab driver dropped me off at an extremely deserted  place, we headed out for a good lunch! This authentic Japanese restaurant was introduced by yeesee, one of jaslynn's friend that was a long-term student in Korea:) The food was so fabulous that I had to go back again!

Ordered their speciality: Cheese Katsu:)

Interior of Bauhaus guesthouse!:)
Here are the details:

Name in Korean: 바우하우스
Address: 서울시 마포구 연남동 387-9
Tel: 010-4842-6127

This guesthouse has one of the best hospitality amongst all the guesthouse I've stayed:) The old couple that ran this place treated us all as sons and daughters, and we will miss them!! Their place was really clean too:)

Breakfast spread from 8am onwards that included eggs!! My favourite:)

That night, after making specs, we had chimek dinner despite not finding Chicken Bus at Sinchon! Was sad but this is good too!:) The portions were humongous!

For supper, gen and I brought them to Homilpat! Easily the best shaven ice in Seoul!

I can't describe how happy I was meeting my boy again after so long! I am so proud that we survived without each other's physical presence for so long:) We have grown to be independent and at the same time cherish each other even more! It was kind of surreal when I first hugged him again, it felt familiar yet so new again:) Thank you for having your heart only for me!:)

And some things never change:)


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